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Support APF

Access Psychology Foundation is a 501(c)3, not-for-profit organization. All contributions to Access Psychology Foundation are tax deductible to the extent allowed by state and federal law. The organization is fortunate to receive financial support from generous individuals, corporations, foundations, and charitable trusts. Access Psychology Foundation is deeply honored and grateful for all gifts received.

Ways to Give

Support for Access Psychology Foundation can take many forms. Contributions can be made immediately or deferred. Access Psychology Foundation staff stands ready to provide private, confidential assistance to you in selecting the best means suited to your personal situation.


Sponsorship Opportunities

APF is delighted to provide the following opportunities to philanthropic partners who wish to direct their gifts of $2,000 or more to a particular activity that resonates with their philanthropic goals. All sponsors will be recognized in our print and digital publications, and on our website and social media.



Donate Now

It’s our responsibility to act now and embark on building a scalable network of people who bring new perspectives and insights of which we have not seen before in the field. Your donation has the real long-term potential to impact many generations.