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Our Programs

We are not just creating space for more psychologists of color to enter the field; we are setting them up to thrive. Our programs are designed specifically for communities of color and are accessible to all who can benefit.

Training Programs

“Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.” — Lao Tzu

Increasing the number of psychologists of color in the field who are trained in evidence-based treatments in the field is our vision. The ability to access mental health services from a licensed professional who comes from a similar background can be life-changing. APF trains racially diverse individuals and groups that are committed to administering care among underserved communities across the country.

Treatment Programs

The Access Psychology Foundation (APF) offers scholarships and grants to people from historically underrepresented populations so they can obtain quality, evidence-based mental health treatment. Evidence-based treatments are those subjected to rigorous research trials demonstrating their effectiveness.

Internship Programs

To increase the number of therapists from underrepresented populations, the Access Psychology Foundation (APF) hosts summer and semester internship programs for undergraduate college and high school students of color.

Donate Now

It’s our responsibility to act now and embark on building a scalable network of mental health professionals and educators who will bring evidence-based therapies to underserved communities